Category Archives: Uncategorized
9th Circuit Court reverses lower court ruling ordering closure of SE AK king salmon troll fishery
9th Circuit Appeals Court lifts lower court ruling ordering closure of Southeast Alaska king salmon troll fishery Posted by Shelby Herbert | Aug 17, 2024 King salmon caught in spring commercial troll fisheries. (Photo courtesy of Matt Lichtenstein) A controversial 2023 court ruling ordering the closure of commercial trolling for king salmon, or chinook, in Southeast […]
Harbor Porpoise Research in SE Alaska
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is conducting aerial and vessel-based surveys for harbor porpoise in Southeast Alaska. The attached research notice provides details about the project for interested organizations and communities within the research area. Please share the attached flyer and post widely with your community and colleagues in Southeast Alaska. If you […]
The IPHC Finished their meeting this morning and adopted the following catch limits as listed in the table below. The adopted limits include an overall reduction coastwide of -4.5% with both Canada and the US sector taking an equal cut but the IPHC regulatory areas in the US had varying degrees of cut based on […]
SE Pot Shrimp Survey
There were 42 responses to the survey SEAFA sent out (19% response rate). The takeaway from the survey was that more soft-shell shrimp were seen in the spring fishery and there was a couple of suggestions to move the fishery closer to June to allow the shrimp to harden more. Of the 42 responses 19 […]
WILD FISH CONSERVANCY PETITIONS NMFS TO LIST AS ENDANGERED OR THREATENED CHINOOK STOCKS IN ALAKSA AS WELL AS DESIGNATE CRITICAL HABITAT The petition is asking for a status review under Endangered Species Act (ESA) all Chinook populations that enter the marine environment of the Gulf of Alaska, including all populations on the South side of […]
Court Issues it’s Report and Recommendations May 2, 2023
A Seattle Federal court judge issued on May 2, 2023 it court decision (Report & Recommendations) that all the trollers have been waiting for and dreading. The court document vacates (definition: to make legally void/i.e close) the summer and winter troll fishery in Alaska. What this means exactly is still slightly unknown and we will […]
IPHC Annual Meeting Decisions announced
The IPHC announced the following Catch limits. IPHC TCEY Harvest Table (in millions of pounds) 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 4A 4B 4CDE TOTAL 2022 Adopted TCEY 1.65 7.56 5.91 14.55 3.9 2.1 1.45 4.1 41.22 US Section Conference Board Recommendations 5.851 12.368 4.08 1.785 1.45 3.854 Proccessor Board Recommendations 1.65 6.96 5.851 12.368 4.08 […]
NSRAA 2023 Salmon Forecast
Below is the 2023 forecast for NSRAA other task force documents can be viewed on ADF&G’s WEBSITE 2023 NSRAA Forecast
Shrimp Petition Denied as being an emergency by ADF&G
When the board isn’t meeting, ADF&G is delegated the authority to determine if a petition meets the criteria for an emergency. The Dept sent me the letter linked below today July 26th denying the petition as not meeting the criteria and that all points brought up in the petition were pretty much discussed at the […]
SEAFA Submits SE Pot Shrimp Season date change Petition to Board of Fish
Southeast Alaska Fishermen’s Alliance (SEAFA) has submitted to the Board of Fish an emergency petition to change the pot shrimp season back to the fall based on a biologically allowable resource harvest would be precluded in 2022, creating a significant burden on the shrimp permit holders. We will post a copy of the petition on […]