King and Tanner Task Force Meeting

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and Southeast King and Tanner Task Force (KTTF) will
meet between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2019. The meeting will be hosted at the ADF&G
Southeast Regional office in Douglas and connected via web conferencing at the following locations:
Douglas–ADF&G Southeast Regional office, Conferences Rooms A and B, 802 3rd Street, Douglas, AK 99824
Petersburg–Tides Inn Conference Room, 307 1st Street, Petersburg, AK 99833 (entrance on Dolphin Street).
Agenda items for this meeting include:
 2019 Tanner crab stock assessment and management outlook;
 2019 red king crab stock assessment and management outcomes;
 2019 golden king crab fishery performance and management outlook.
Individuals unable to attend in person can call-in from any location and if they have a computer, smartphone, and/or
tablet, can attend the web conference with instructions detailed below on the News Advisory

News Advisory

2019-20 Tanner stock status_non_conf_final

Posted in King Crab, Tanner Crab

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