The King and Tanner Task Force Meeting will be held by a virtual Zoom platform on December 11, 2020 starting at 1:00 pm.
For link and instructions to join the Zoom meeting see the ADFG News Advisory
ADF&G just provided the following documents for the meeting:
2020 KTTF agenda FINAL 12.11.20
2020 Preliminary Tanner Crab Survey Results 12.11.20
2020-21 Tanner stock status_NON-conf_final 12.11.20
GKC Harvest Strategy draft fall 2020
gkc harvest strategy review 12.10.20
GKC KTTF 2020_December meeting_v3 12.11.20
gkc_for_comments_v3_ao 12.11.20
GKC permit holder comments 12.11.20
PVOA comments on draft GKC harvest strategy (002)
SEAFA GKC draft harvest strategy comments 11.5.20
Red king crab biological threshold 12.11.20