At the April 2022 RPT meeting, the Joint RPT reviewed the final 2020 data and preliminary 2021 SE Enhanced Allocation status. At the end of the meeting the RPT received four presentations on current studies that are underway.
ALLOCATIONS Spring 2022 RPT 4.06.2022 (003)
Chatham Strait Predator Study Update April 2022 RPT
RPT SEAK sport fishery sampling_Final_april6
Additional hatchery studies were presented at the Board of Fish Hatchery committee meeting
- Alaska Fishery Enhancement Program Production Trends and Planning Efforts (PDF 13,579 kB)
- Sport Fishery Enhancement Program (PDF 1,886 kB)
- An Introduction to the Salmon OCean Ecology Program and Overview of Scientific Understanding of Salmon Competition at Sea (PDF 4,044 kB)
- Statewide Fish/Shellfish Health Program in Alaska: Mitigating Disease Risks to Wild and Cultured Stocks (PDF 2,249 kB)
- Alaska Hatchery Research Program: Overview of results and products to date (PDF 1,831 kB)
- Alaska Hatchery Research Program: Study Question 1: Population Structure (PDF 7,380 kB)
- Alaska Hatchery Program Question 2: What is the Extent and Annual Variability of Straying (PDF 1,709 kB)
- Alaska Hatchery Program Question 3: Relative Reproductive Success Update (PDF 2,368 kB)
- Alaska Hatchery Program Question 3: Mechanisms Driving RRS (PDF 1,916 kB)